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  • Technology Expert

Common questions

1. Is it safe to shop online? 

This is an important question and my priority at is to ensure the privacy of the customers and safety of payment.

First, I strongly recommend that you have a strong password for your shopping site.

I offer various ways of payment including Cash on Delivery (COD), PayPal & Credit Cards and have strategic partnerships with well-known banks in the region.

2. How can I save when shopping online?

One of the benefits of shopping online is that you can find products at lower prices because of the ecommerce economy.

I encourage you to sign up for your favorite online shopping newsletter, as they will give you a heads up on every sale they have.

3. If I am ordering online, where should I order from?

Now is when shoppers need to be extra thoughtful about the sort of businesses you want to supporting. Amazon is often the most convenient option.

Also Supporting small businesses is about more than just giving money to the brands and shops we’ve grown to love—it’s about helping out the people who make them possible, so it'sdesirable.

Another successful online shopping site is Ebay, it's important to understand that just about anyone can sell there, but don't worry if the product is not good - they have free insurance and you can canceled the shipping in any time.

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